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Though an onsite estimate is important, you can get some idea of your job costs on this page. Older homes are difficult to estimate without seeing them, but If you own a condominium or townhouse you can get a good idea of cost.

Pricing a newer condominium, townhouse or apartment. Here is how you can ballpark the cost a simple paint job. Take the square footage of your unit and simply put a dollar sign in front of it,  which will give you a rough initial labour cost. So your 800 sq, ft. condo is $800.00, plus GST plus material.  This price will vary according to the actual scope of work, colours chosen, ceiling height, extras. But here is what you could expect  at close to that amount:

  • All walls in all main areas will be painted with 2 coats latex. This would include living and dining rooms, bedrooms, hallways, kitchen and bathrooms.
  • The baseboards, doors and other wooden trim would be painted in 1 coat latex in these areas.
  • Ceilings are not included  (quite often they are textured) but bulkheads are painted. Closets, laundry and furnace rooms and the trim /doors in them are not included. Windows and stair components are not included.
  • The price range would allow for up to 3 colour changes on walls. The colours would be in the light to medium light range and the trim and door paint would be similiar to existing.
  • The job would proceed as detailed in Interior Painting.
  • The reason a low price can be given is that jobs like this can be completed quickly. in a newer condo or townhouse there is not a lot of surface preparation required. The windows, ceilings, closets are not necessary to paint. Of course, for a bit more money closets, ceilings and anything else can be included. Wall coverings or  elegant Wall Art can be added.,